Getting a business loan in Sri Lanka can be a daunting task. However, there are some things you can do to make the process easier. If you have a strong business plan, you can have a good chance of getting your loan approved. However, you will need to find a reputable company to work with. You will also need to find out what type of loan you qualify for.
Tax reforms
During the final stage of the 26-year war against Tamil separatists, external borrowings surged and Sri Lanka faced a fiscal crisis. The debt-to-GDP ratio ballooned to 105.6% in 2021 from 86.9% in 2019. This was due to repeated balance-of-payment crises, resulting in 29 percent rupee depreciation since 2008.
Sri Lanka’s economy was highly exposed to external shocks. It had an inadequate gross reserves position and had the highest gross financing needs among emerging market economies.
In October 2021, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) outlined a six-month Roadmap to tackle the crisis. The Roadmap included measures to reduce near-term FX shortages, accelerate state asset sales, and tighten export surrender requirements. It also aimed to strengthen the legal framework for beneficial ownership registration, and increase public awareness about AML/CFT.
Raising fiscal revenue
Several factors have contributed to Sri Lanka’s economic downfall. These include the failure to address the root causes of the economic crisis.
One of the most important factors contributing to the crisis is the country’s foreign debt. The Sri Lankan economy has experienced several Balance of Payments (BOP) crises over the last two decades.
crezu online loan >These crises have exacerbated the problems. Sri Lanka is experiencing the worst economic crisis since 1948. The economy is expected to contract by 8.7% this year. Inflation is also soaring. It has reached over 60%. Sri Lankans are finding it difficult to afford essential commodities.
To get out of this crisis, Sri Lanka needs to increase its revenue. Several measures are being looked at. In particular, the government is planning to raise fiscal revenue by hiking taxes. It also wants to improve its tax collection systems.
Promoting entrepreneurship
SMEs play a crucial role in the economy of Sri Lanka. They contribute 45% of the country’s GDP and provide half of the country’s jobs. However, SMEs are faced with significant challenges in terms of access to finance.
A national fund should be set up to support SMEs and entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka. This will help create a conducive environment for entrepreneurship and improve living standards.
Promoting entrepreneurship is a national priority for Sri Lanka. It involves empowering MSMEs to access formal banking systems, providing business incubation services, and providing credit to entrepreneurs. The government can shape the environment for entrepreneurship by developing broadband Internet coverage, enhancing telecoms infrastructure, and developing mentorship networks.
In recent years, Sri Lanka’s entrepreneurship ecosystem has made some promising developments. For example, the Department of Innovation and Enterprise is implementing a new strategy to support SMEs. This strategy aims to create a national fund that will provide business loans to SMEs and provide entrepreneurs with business incubation services.
Expanding with time
Throughout the past five years, Sri Lanka’s economy has been slowing. It has also faced challenges from global and domestic economic pressures. In addition, it has been dealing with a large number of external imbalances. This has resulted in unsustainable debt levels. In order to reverse this trend, the country needs to rebuild its competitiveness in global value chains.
To do so, the country must pursue structural reforms to improve governance and competitiveness. This includes a revenue-led fiscal consolidation path that creates space for investment in capital.
The country also needs to pursue more trade facilitation to ensure that its small and medium-sized enterprises can participate in global value chains. These SMEs need to adopt quality accounting standards and environmentally responsible practices.